Wednesday, November 24, 2004

so it goes

I’m too young to give up on dreams. I hope I’m always too young to give up on dreams. Settling isn’t just a decision an individual makes, it’s a decision that degrades every relationship that individual is a part of. How could a person teach their kids to dream if they have forgotten themselves? How can young romantics learn about love if they are unwilling to try it for themselves? In a generation slightly cheated of their youth and innocence, maybe now is the time for this naivete.

It's easy to say "take nothing for granted"
as all else it's much harder to live by it.

Friday, November 19, 2004

I saw my first shooting star when I was 3 years-old. When I saw it I couldn't think of anything to wish for... except a star of my own. About a month later I found a small plastic star sitting on the sidewalk. I was convinced that my wish had come true.

Monday, November 15, 2004

complete connection

I once heard a theory on personal connections.
The women said that every person has a varying amount of cylinders (Car analogy.) When we meet someone new and connect with them, a certain amount of cylinders are fired (the things you have in common.)
you are both poets **BOOM**
similar family dynamic **BOOM** etc etc
Disappointment sets in with the first one sided firing.
one loves to travel **nothing**
The cylinders aren't meant to be everything about a person... just things that the person considers vital to their character. As soon as a gap begins to build.. the romantic vision built around that person begins to fade. If the gap continues to grow the friendship begins to fade away or lose its passion.
I think this analogy has a lot of truth in it. I try to lift myself above it, but I haven't gotten there yet. The fact is if you put a part of your soul on the line hoping to find some level of understanding and find nothing, the disappointment is hard to overcome.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

if only money were no obstacle

imagine a place to live in every state, every country
waking up every few months to a new world, fresh scenery.
maybe we all grow tired of our lives
due to a simple lack of variation

i miss driving off into the sunset with the impending night sky glistening behind me.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Early Lessons

My favorite arguments are those of moral and cultural relativism. It's amusing to watch people who consider themselves very cultured and accepting squirm when confronted with the less romantic practices of some cultures.

When faced with relativistic views, I find myself torn on the issues of international human rights groups. Is the UDHR the bible of the 20th century, giving groups like Amnesty the freedom to crusade and enforce our beliefs on other societies? In future years will young children sit and shun our interference in other cultures the way we shun the British?

Sunday, November 07, 2004

trying something new

My first entry on a new type of journal. I've been an avid livejournal girl for awhile, but I plan to welcome the change of format.

Little sleep and plenty of thinking.

I wait to find what I want. Just once it would be nice to have a clear answer. This is it Jamie. This is what you need to do, where you need to go, what you have to pursue.

I've been thinking about emotions recently, mostly my lack of understanding in that field. I can help people pull themselves together with logic. I can justify my own choices with logic; yet, logic misses something.

The truth is I don't understand romantic love. It just seems so selfish and pathetic. It changes people, it makes them believe themselves nobel when really they are just being sad and dependent. I don't know what scares me more; the idea of falling in love and losing myself, or the feeling that I may be incapable of falling in love.

Can a person in love still have a separate identity?

The worse part about intimate relationships is the way people view sex. Sex is natural, beautiful, and it is the most powerful thing you can share with a person... but it doesn't have to be emotional. Emotions belittle the act. They make people feel the need for pillow talk, more flat future plans have been made in the comfort of the bedroom then between acquaintances at graduation.

I wish I had a Neil Cassidy in my life. He would understand the desire to live from high to high... whether that high is spiritual, drug induced, sexual, intellectual, or any mix of the above.

Love has been painted as serious, romantic, consuming...
in my mind love should be laughter, thrills, extremes both high and low, screw romantic love give me passion anyday.