Monday, November 15, 2004

complete connection

I once heard a theory on personal connections.
The women said that every person has a varying amount of cylinders (Car analogy.) When we meet someone new and connect with them, a certain amount of cylinders are fired (the things you have in common.)
you are both poets **BOOM**
similar family dynamic **BOOM** etc etc
Disappointment sets in with the first one sided firing.
one loves to travel **nothing**
The cylinders aren't meant to be everything about a person... just things that the person considers vital to their character. As soon as a gap begins to build.. the romantic vision built around that person begins to fade. If the gap continues to grow the friendship begins to fade away or lose its passion.
I think this analogy has a lot of truth in it. I try to lift myself above it, but I haven't gotten there yet. The fact is if you put a part of your soul on the line hoping to find some level of understanding and find nothing, the disappointment is hard to overcome.


Blogger Jamie said...

sounds like you have the type of relationship I'd want to be in. not many people are actually comfortable with that. in the end though i'd rather know the person i'm with is with me because he's been with other interest and comes back then because we have a commitment... i want to know i'm there for the right reasons as well

December 2, 2004 at 11:23 PM  

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